Twitter is the one of the popular social networking service. Twitter recently launched its own photo sharing service with the help of photobucket. Twitter also officially integrated with the Apple iOS 5 Mobile operating system. Recent chart shows that about 39% of photos shared on twitter are from iOS devices. From the above chart you […]
iOS 5.0.1 Direct Download Links For iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
Few minuts ago Apple released iOS 5.0.1 and we also officially posted about this. For the users who want to download the .ipsw files you can try the below links iPad iPad 2 Wifi iPad 2 GSM iPad 2 CDMA iPhone 3GS iPhone 4 iPhone 4 CDMA iPhone 4S iPod touch 3G iPod touch 4GÂ […]
Apple releases iOS 5.0.1 update
Apple has today released the iOS 5.0.1 update (build 9A405) to address battery life issues and also multi touch gestures. This update is availbale in iTunes and also over-the-air for some users. The fixes that are listed are: Fixes bugs affecting battery life Adds Multitasking Gestures for original iPad Resolves bugs with Documents in the […]
The Reason Behind Why Siri Wont Come For Older iDevices
Apple iPhone 4S was launched on early october featuring Siri, A Personal Voice Assistance. Many hackers and developers ported Siri to work on older iOS devices. There were lots of rumors that Apple may soon release and iOS update with Siri, But apple recently confirmed that Siri Won’t come for older devices. Here is a […]
Organise Your Tasks With Platinum Tasks On Your Honeycomb Devices
There are many to do list application in the Android Market, yet only a few built specifically for Android Honeycomb. Platinum Tasks is one of them. Unlike other apps, Platinum Tasks really fits with the tablet. Intuitive design and perfect lay out, changeable theme color. Platinum Tasks syncs perfectly with Google task. You can set […]