Apple yesterday unveiled the Macbook refresh at WWDC 2012. Already existing MacBook Air and MacBook Pro got new hardware upgrades. Apple also unveiled the new next generation MacBook Pro with Retina Display. As usual guys from iFixit got the new MacBook Air and tears down to show off the inner beauty of MacBook Air Mid […]
6 Best Features Of iOS 6
Apple announced iOS 6 at WWDC 2012. iOS 6 has 200+ improved features when compared to previous iOS versions. Here is the collection of 6 best features of iOS 6 Siri Apple’s most famous voice interaction system, Siri has gained a lot more capabilities and can perform many more tasks now. Siri can carry out […]
You Can Now Watch WWDC 2012 Keynote Online [Official]
Apple just unveiled the new macs and iOS6. As usual the keynote was not streamed.Apple now officially released the full footage of WWDC 2012 Keynote. Just Check out this Link
Top 4 Smart Phones To Be Considered Buying In 2012
It is not very easy to compile the list of the best smart phones in 2012 due to the exploding market. The new mobiles like Nokia Lumia, Galaxy Nexus, and few other companies has made serious attempt to make their impact in the market. The technology is growing with rapid pace and many alternative softwares […]