Apple Inc, Launched iPhone 4S last month with one extra great feature apart from the hardware refresh, its nothing but Siri, A personal assistance. She can read for you, write for you, search the web for you and does many more. Its simply awesome on a mobile phone. Currently Siri is not available for iPhone […]
Mp3 Search Engine That Quenches Your Thirst For Legal Free Music Downloads
I am sure, you have been on the internet scouting for various legal sites where you can actually get free music downloads in the ever popular mp3 format. Well, I have got a quick fix for that. You can download free music now, that to legally, which is already available on the Internet, thanks to […]
What Should I Draw?
If you have kids you must definitely have this app on your iPad. What should I draw HD not only provides a drawing environment, it also suggest you ward “What to draw?”. Here is the answer Touch the blue splodge of paint to reveal an adjective. Touch the red splodge of paint to reveal a […]
Future Broadband: The Possibilities Are Endless
When you currently compare broadband packages that are available today, there are generally a few key factors that will help you to decide on what sort of high- speed internet access to go for. Most of us are looking for a reliable service that’s quick and efficient. We’re also looking for the best price possible […]
6 Web Based Alternatives For Photoshop
Photoshop is the best photo editing and designing software from Adobe Systems. It is a favorite designing tool for most of the designers globally. It is a 2D based designing software which has excellent editing options which helps designers to bring their own creative designs. Now the latest version Photoshop CS5 has options to create […]