WordPress 3.1 Release Candidate 1 Is Out

WordPress the best blogging platform has released the first version wordpress 3.1 release candidate. RC comes after the beta period and before final release, so this makes us to confirm that WordPress 3.1 will be rolled out soon.

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According to WordPress officials

We currently have no known issues or bugs to squash. But with tens of millions of users, a variety of configurations, and thousands of plugins, it’s possible we’ve missed something. So if you haven’t tested WordPress 3.1 yet, now is the time! Please though, not on your live site unless you’re extra adventurous.

You can test this version of WordPress in a demo blog, you can also report any bugs or errors with the new update.

Note : Don’t test this on your live blog !

Get WordPress 3.1 is now available RC1

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  1. Testing it however just waiting for the full release more power to us wordpress users

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