Talking Tom 2 For iPhone Got Update, You Can Now Customize Tom’s Appearance

Talking Tom 2 is developed and released by outfit7. Talking tom holds top position in most downloaded free app on App Store in entertainment and fun category.  Tom is your cat that responds to your touch and repeats everything you say in a funny voice. Early today outfit7 rolled out major update for talking tom 2 where you can customize tom’s apprearance with the accessories like hats, sunglasses, contacts and lot more

Ultimate New Features In Version 2.0

  • Make Tom look like a police officer, pirate, construction worker or a cowboy.
  • Change the color of Tom’s eyes (multiple colors available).
  • Equip Tom with various other accessories like a bow tie or an earring.
Talking Tom 2 - Accessories
To Purchase the accessories you need gold coins. In the start you will have 500 coins. you can get 1000 coins for free of cost if you subscribe to talking friends news letter. If you need more you can make in app purchase for gold coins
  1. Stack of Gold Coins – 4200 Coins – $0.99
  2. Pouch of Gold Coins – 9500 Coins – $1.99
  3. Bag of Gold Coins – 21000 Coins – $3.99
  4. Chest of Gold Coins – 54500 Coins – $9.99
  5. Vault of Gold Coins – 146500 Coins- $24.99
Talking Tom 2 - Accessories
Once you made the purchase the accessory will be dowloaded and you can switch on/off that accessory easily. Once the acessory is downloaded you will see on/off switch to enable the particular or to disable it. This new update is going to increase more fun with talking tom 2.
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