PAMO – Ultimate Finance Manager For iPhone

PAMO is a perfect finance tool, that replaces your paper checkbook. Apart from that it also helps you to store the transaction with photos. Got a receipt ? dont wanna miss it ?  Take a snap form your iPhone and add it to the particular transaction. After that you never gonna miss that. This App is unique from other apps because this lets you to take pictures and save in the particular transaction. You dont need to worry about the paper receipt if you have this App


  • Unlimited accounts and transactions. In addition, we allow you to separate your personal and business accounts (if you are interested in using both). There is no longer a need to have two separate apps for your business and personal accounts because PAMO allows you to be able to separate the two within one app.
  • Color codes per account type. Be able to identify your accounts with a color (this is optional). For example, you may assign blue to your checking accounts, green to your saving accounts, and red to your time deposit account.
  • Turn Reconcile on or off
  • Turn Security Code on or off. If your Security Code is on, you must enter a 4 digit code in order to access your accounts.
  • Search feature to easily search through your transactions in all your accounts.
  • Order your transactions by Date, Clearance, or Amount
  • For each transaction, be able to assign the transaction to a category. By visiting the ‘Category’ page, you will be able to see the amount and percentage of money you have spent in each category. (You are free to add any category that is not already part of the app by default)
  • Print off transactions. This includes printing off the picture that has been taken/assigned to each transaction.
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