Samsung Google Nexus S Vs iPhone 4 Comparison

Hey guys, the much awaited Nexus S had launched recently with new android OS version 2.3 Aka Gingerbread. There is a lot of developments in both hardware and software.Nexus S will be sold unlocked and carrier-free after December 16. Lets see the comparison of Nexus S and iPhone 4

Samsung Google Nexus S Vs iPhone 4 - Comparison


So Share your Views on Nexus S and iPhone 4! What will you Prefer, iPhone 4 or Nexus S?

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  1. Nice points…to compare….

    but i like samsung galaxy only….

  2. It seems that Apple Iphone 4 still lead in the features as compare to Nexus S. but the Android OS is strong point of Nexus S.

  3. Thanks for this comparison bro. I have to decide if take a Nexus or an Iphone. I think that will opt for nexus because I’m a google lovers 😉

  4. nice info. and nice presentation.

  5. I am a iPhone lover 🙂 nice comparison.I like the way you have presented.

  6. francomur99 says

    Mmm… difficult choice As an Android lover I would go for another device The myTouch Hd 4G…wich will get 9.5 points in a 1-10 scale
    In this case 9 points to both devices.
    I would like to have an iPhone 4 with jailbreak and Double Boot to get all the best things of the Android Operating System……but I think this solution is not ready yet. We have to wait to Android 3.0 then the battle of giants will get dirty! We’ll see…………….

  7. I am surprised to know with almost the same price, Apple is almost always the winner in hardware. why can’t these companies always make crappy hardware? as for OS I personally choose to have android for many good reasons, but when it comes to smoothness and execution, apple still rocks. I still see apple as the bench mark for all smart phones out there.

  8. Andromeda says

    At first i really wanted to buy an iphone 4 but i found the same features in Nexus S and actually it costs less…I want to know is really iphone 4 worthy to pay 200 $ more or Nexus s is good enough?
    Because I have read comments in other sites about Nexus S and they told that Nexus S is not build good!
    I need your opinion
    Thank you

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