How To Take Screenshots In Any Android Mobile From PC

Like Apple iPhone you cannot easily take screenshots in many Android phones. This is not supported by default, you to either root your phone to take screenshot or wait for updates, but still its not sure that you will get it. The only possible way to take screenshot from your android phone is by installing Android SDK and by using ddms manager from your PC. This is little bit complected work, not easy for the non-geek guys. So I found an alternate simple method when compared. Here I used an software MyPhoneExplorer which is free to use.

Do Read : How To Manage Your Android Phone From Your Desktop Over WiFi

Here is the simple tutorial for taking screenshots from your PC (This Tutorial Works only Through USB)

1. Download and Install MyPhoneExplorer For PC

2. Download and Install MyPhoneExplorer Client in your android phone

3. Install the USB Drivers for your android phone. It may come with the box or download it from the manufacturer’s website.

4. In Phone -> Goto Settings – Applications – Development – Check USB debugging to enable it.

Android - USB Debugging

5. Start MyPhoneExplorer Client in your android phone. You will see both WiFi and USB details

MyPhoneExplorer - Android - Client

6. Now start the MyPhoneExplorer Software for PC.

7. In MyPhoneExplorer(PC) – Goto File – Settings – In Connection – Change the following
  • In Phone Type – Select Phone With Android OS
  • In Connect Via – USB cable (If u select both sometimes it may mess up with some error)

MyPhoneExplorer - Settings

8. Now Press F1 or Goto File -> Connect   to connect the phone (Please don’t forget to connect your phone to PC via USB cable 😛 )

9. Once the phone is successfully connected. Goto Extras – Load Screenshot.

MyPhoneExplorer - Extra - Load Screenshot

MyPhoneExplorer - Screenshot - Final
10. The screenshot monitor will open in new window. Now you can simply view the phone screen in your PC and you can save the screenshot using save us option 🙂 If you enable refresh automatically the screen will load the new frame as per the phone’s screen. You can refresh the screen manually and save screen shots.
DigiSecrets - Screenshot
Enjoy 🙂
Now what do u think of this method of taking screenshots in your Android mobile? Do u like this ? Do share your views..

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