Firebug is one of the most popular web development tool used by all web developers and web designers. Firebug helps to live edit CSS, HTML and many more on a live page. Firebug comes as addon for many web browsers. Here is a tutorial on how to get FireBug for iPhone and iPad. Firebug for iPhone and iPad can be enabled via bookmarklet
Here is the steps to get firebug for iPhone and iPad
1. To create firebug bookmarklet, simply bookmark any webpage on your iDevice and rename it as “Firebug”
2. Edit the bookmark and replace the URL with following code.
b,u,g,L,I,T,E)%7Bif(F. getElementById(b))return;E=F% 5Bi+’NS’%5D&&F. documentElement.namespaceURI; E=E?F%5Bi+’NS’%5D(E,’script’): F(‘script’);E%5Br%5D(‘id’,b); E%5Br%5D(‘src’,I+g+T);E%5Br% 5D(b,u);(F%5Be%5D(‘head’)%5B0% 5D%7C%7CF%5Be%5D(‘body’)%5B0% 5D).appendChild(E);E=new% 20Image;E%5Br%5D(‘src’,I+L);% 7D)(document,’createElement’,’ setAttribute’,’ getElementsByTagName’,’ FirebugLite’,’4′,’firebug- lite.js’,’releases/lite/ latest/skin/xp/sprite.png’,’‘,’% 23startOpened’);
3. To edit a page with firebug, simply open the page and launch firebug from the bookmark.
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