Finally Google Released Official Blogger App For iOS

The search engine giant Google owns the popular blogger platform. Most of the newbie bloggers starts their blogging life with google bloggers. Even DigiSecrets was first started on Google blogger and later moved to wordpress platform. Today Google released official app for their blogger platform for iPhone and iPad users.

Blogger App For iOS

With Blogger app for iPhone and iPod touch, you can easily publish posts with pictures, labels and location information. Also, you can view the list of posts and if you have multiple accounts or blogs, you can easily switch between them.


  • Select account/blog if you have more than 1.
  • Include pictures from the gallery or by taking a picture directly from the app
  • Add labels
  • Add location information
  • Save as draft or immediately publish
  • View list of saved/published posts
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  1. Thanks a lot for the information about Google Aps for Blogger.

  2. Its good to know Blogger is developing lot its service

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