If you are a biggest fan of Back to the future series you must act now. All the 5 Back to the Future games for iPad is now on sale for $2.99. There is $4 off from the original price which is supposed to be $6.99. This offer lasts until September 30, 2011.
Back to the Future Ep 1 It’s About Time HD
In Episode 1, Marty McFly is just getting re-acquainted with the 1980s when the DeLorean Time Machine he saw destroyed by a speeding train materializes before him. He finds out that Doc Brown is trapped somewhere in the past and that he must travel back in time to save the Doc’s future!
Back to the Future Ep 2 Get Tannen HD
Marty is keeping an eye on young Doc Brown’s proverbial date with scientific destiny when he and 1980s Doc must prevent gang boss Kid Tannen from wreaking havoc on Marty’s family and erasing his girlfriend from the future!
Back to the Future Ep 3 Citizen BrownHD
After a rough and tumble return to the 1980s, a time-stranded Marty finds himself in a topsy-turvy version of the world lorded over by the enigmatic “First Citizen Brown.â€
Back to the Future Ep 4 – Double Visions
It’s time for the Hill Valley Expo! Back in 1986, Marty and First Citizen Brown must join forces to create an epic invention so that he can prevent the young Emmett Brown from making the worst mistake of his life.
Back to the Future Ep 5 – Outatime
Lives are changed, mysteries are solved, and paradoxes are avoided as Young Emmett seals his fate, sending Marty and Doc on a climactic chase through Hill Valley’s past, present, and future.
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