Samsung recently launched it’s Samsung Galaxy S III. Samsung Galaxy S III has 4.8 inch HD super AMOLED display, 8 Megapixel back camera and 1.9 Megapixel front facing camera, 1.5 Ghz Quad core processor runs Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) and has 16 GB internal and expandable card slot. Samsung Galaxy S III have 2100 […]
Video Comparison : iPhone 4S Front Panel Vs iPhone 5/Next iPhone Front Panel
We can see lots of rumors about the next iPhone. Macotakara, Japanese blog posted a video comparing the front panel of current vs next iPhone. In this video we can clearly see that the next iPhone’s front panel is longer than the current one. Do share your views !! For more updates… Please Subscribe to our Feeds, […]
Nokia Plans To Launch Nokia 808 PureView On June 6th In India?
Nokia launched the new site called A countdown in that site confirms that June 6 is PureView Day and we expect Nokia many Launch Nokia 808 PureView In India. If you leave your email ID you will get email saying : Get ready to discover the hidden stories in every picture. Stay tuned and […]
N.O.V.A. 3 Is Finally Available On Google Play
N.O.V.A. 3 is most impressive Sci-Fi first person shooter game. Gameloft today released N.O.V.A. 3Â for Android Smartphones. Four months have passed since Kal ruined the Volterites’ plans by sabotaging their war factories, and stopping the extraction of the Judger Artifacts. However, following the assassination of President Folsom, the government surrendered the colonies to the Volterite […]
Samsung GALAXY S III: A Day in the Life – TV Commercial
Yesterday Samsung launched Samsung Galaxy S III in India. As promised Samsung released “A Day In The Life” Tv Commercial. Here is the TV Commercial for you guys Experience a day in the life of the GALAXY S III, and how it plays an intimate role with you and your loved ones. It sees. It […]