Apple Aired New “Do It All” The New iPad TV Commercial

The New iPad is packed with stunning new retina display, A5X SOC Dual core processor and quad core graphics, 5 MegaPixel camera and 1GB RAM. If you don’t have The New iPad, you must get it. Today apple aired new TV Commercial about the New iPad named “DO IT ALL” Send a note, Stay informed, Catch a show, […]

Do You Like This Transparent iPhone ?

iPhone, the best smartphone from Apple Inc. Apple announced iOS 6 at WWDC 2012, iOS 6 will be released this Fall. Rumors says that new iOS may come with new iPhone. People around the globe started sharing their concept of Next iPhone or iPhone 5. Here is the Transparent iPhone 5 concept form 17 year […]

Watch WWDC 2012 Keynote On Youtube [Official]

Apple’s WWDC 2012 Keynote was addressed early this week. Apple introduced iOS 6 and also announced OS X Mountain Lion. Apple also upgraded every MacBook Air and MacBook pro with Ivy bridge processors and improved other specifications. Apple suprised everyone by introducing next generation MacBook Pro with retina display and flash storage. You can watch […]

What Tech Security Measures Are In Place For Online Casinos?

When gambling with an online casino with real money, it makes sense to think seriously about the security of your finances, and whether you are protected while playing. Clearly, these sites are definitely targeted all over the world by criminal elements, as are all sites which handle large numbers of financial transactions – and Australia […]

New Retina MacBook Pro Goes Under iFixit Teardown Challenge

The slim, sexy New Retina MacBook Pro packs lots of goodies inside but is it really easy to repair if something goes wrong ? New Retina MacBook Pro goes under iFixit teardown challenge. And it just scores 1 out of 10 of their repair score which makes it a really hard repariable Apple MacBook ever New […]