Xbox 360 : Project Natal

Project Natal (pronounced na-tall) is the code name for the new controller-free gaming and entertainment experience from Xbox 360. Now Kick The Ball, Catch it. throw it.. !!

Project Natal is the Motion Sensing Decice for your XBOX 360 consoles. This Device connects to the Xbox 360 game system, tracks players’ voices and body movements and recognizes their faces. It includes a camera, a multi-array microphone and software. Now you can Experience Contoller Free Gaming Experience, voice recognition, Face recognition, and lot more features from the new Motion Sensing Device for Xbox 360..

Microsoft said that “Natal will work with every Xbox 360 we’ve sold, and every Xbox 360 we sell in the future.”  Project Natal Will be soon available in stores in this Holiday Season. Get Ready and Have More Fun with New Technology Gaming Experience !

Project Natal Trailor

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  1. Hmm…looks interesting. Thanks for the info. Keep writing. Have a great sunday πŸ™‚

  2. I think this is gonna be the revolutionary project from Microsoft. I am waiting for this to be open for end users.. Might be I buy one of them πŸ™‚

  3. Awesome concept, I am loving it πŸ™‚

  4. Project Natal seems to be interesting project by Microsoft and will change the gaming experience πŸ™‚ .

  5. GR8 concept of microsoft , but i hope google and apple will soon make bigger experience than this natal πŸ˜›

  6. Ooh that ‘s truly awesome! It will knock out Wii for sure.

  7. hey ur new blog design is quite cool.. like it πŸ™‚

  8. That going to be a revolutionary gaming experience. Just like real life fun.

  9. Project Natal seems truly awesome… and also useful for weight loss, he he!

  10. We are waiting for it for a long. Thanks for the information about project natal!

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