4 Cloud Security Myths Busted

If you’ve looked into using cloud services, you may have encountered some myths that influence your decisions. Don’t fall for these four popular myths. They’ll just lead you in the wrong direction. The Cloud Has Too Many Security Risks The cloud, like any technology, has some vulnerabilities. No one should doubt that. Saying that the […]

Fundamental Effect Of Information Systems On Classrooms and Students

We are moving into the time of data innovation. The innovations in different technology fields have helped in enhancing distance training for the administration program. With cutting uge corresponding innovations, the instructed learning process has turned out to be quicker, non-customary and alluring. Distance learning is the fore-runner of data innovation for the learners, guaranteeing […]


YouTube has numerous educational resources that are yet to be exploited fully by both educators and learners. These resources are easy to use and readily accessible. The sharing platform allows users to create and watch videos for free. This has resulted in a library of over a million of videos. According to edutopia.org (http://www.edutopia.org/youtube-educational-videos-classroom), a […]

Seven Rules To Great Customer Service In The Mobile Industry

In the mobile industry, communication is the means to everything. Unfortunately, in this market of rapid expansion and quick results, customer service agents are turning out to be brusque to the point of bullying the customer. Many complaints are received stating ill treatment from the customer service- forcibly pursuing customers to avail “this/that pack.” Customers […]

Django Hosting Tips: Speeding Things Up

Do you know that Django has been around for more than 10 years? Django is a tried and tested development framework based on Python with emphasis on quick development and clean design. Even large sites such as Facebook and Instagram are known to use Django at its core. To make it even better, there are […]