Thesis 1.8 Available For Download

Thesis is Popular SEO optimized theme for WordPress users. Thesis has lots of SEO Features and it is a Do-It-Yourself Theme. I have some personal experience with thesis customizing Thesis is very easy when compared to other Themes, you have to only work on custom.css and custom_functions.php. I have Personal license for thesis and surprised to see Thesis 1.8 Available for download in DIYthemes.


Following are the New Features Available in Thesis 1.8

1. Header Image Uploader

2. SEO Character Counters

3. New Google Fonts!

4. WordPress Nav Menu Support

5. Category/Tag/Taxonomy Page Options

6. Favicon Uploader

7. Custom Loop API

The Price of Thesis Theme will be increased once Thesis 2.0 hits the market

Don’t have Thesis ? Grab your copy now.

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  1. Finally, I was waiting for the new upgraded. Seem interesting. I will take a look at the new features now. Thanks for sharing

  2. Thanks for sharing.Will check.

  3. Thesis is a good theme but because i like chop and changing things i prefer the generic themes which i can mess with the coding thanks for the heads up

  4. wow…thats an awesome news….

  5. This is news feed for your readers who using thesis…

  6. Not that thrilled about Thesis personally.. Maybe I’m just cheap for using freemium themes… 🙂

  7. thanks for the info, its very useful

  8. Thesis is an awesome theme and i love it’s customizations like yours!

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