What is SocialSafe ? SocialSafe is  is a digital journal for Windows and Mac. With SocialSafe we can export and backup from our social profiles like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram. Here is our complete article about SocialSafe We are giving away 5 pro SocialSafe License for 5 lucky winners. Rules to follow Follow and Like us on […]
[GIVEAWAY] SocialSafe Pro License For Five Lucky Readers
Filed Under: Giveaway, Social Media Tagged With: Export Your Social Profiles Data, Facebook Backup, Google+ Backup, Instagram backup, Linkedin Backup, SocialSafe, Twitter Backup
How To Easily Backup/Export Your Social Profiles Data With SocialSafe

The social networking sites really changed the way of communication. Many use for fun, many for work, many for reading news. It depends on user views. In the end we have one thing in common, how to backup or export our data from social networks. Here comes SocialSafe to rescue us. with SocialSafe we can export […]
Filed Under: Social Media Tagged With: Export Your Social Profiles Data, Facebook Backup, Google+ Backup, Instagram backup, Linkedin Backup, SocialSafe, Twitter Backup