Steve Jobs Action Figure Cancelled

Much hyped and controversial Steve Jobs Action Figure was finally cancelled by the maker. The 12-inch doll will not be produced due threats from Apple and Jobs’ family.

Tandy Cheung, the maker of this  Steve Jobs Action Figure doll says –

We have received immense pressure from the lawyers of Apple and Steve Jobs family. Regardless of the pressure, I am still Steve’s fan, I fully respect Steve, and his family, and it is definitely not my wish or intention that they be upset. Though we still believe that we have not overstepped any legal boundaries, we have decided to completely stop the offer, production and sale of the Steve Jobs figurine out of our heartfelt sensitivity to the feelings of the Jobs family.

We understand that this decision will cause many of the fans’ disappointment, but please forgive us as there is no other alternative unless to have the blessing from Steve Jobs family… We will aim to have full refund to the fans who have pre-ordered.

Lastly, we wish to thank everyone for their admiration and appreciation of the figurine, and again we offer our sincere apologies to affected fans.

Here is the announcement from inicons –


Steve Jobs Action Figure

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