Skype For TV

Previously Skype announced to bring Superior Quality Video Chat in Televisions.. Today Skype Brings Video Chat on Panasonic and Samsung HDTV’s..

Brand new cameras for Panasonic and Samsung HDTVs let you make great quality video (and voice) calls. They include specially designed microphones, and capture high quality video.

Now we can Sit in a Large Sofa or We Can Chat Live From Living Room With Superior Quality Video! Skype Software is Available for Samsung and Panasonic, To Get Skype on TV, An Internet Based TV, Broadband Connection and any one ot the Cam is Required!

1280×720 Resolution Camera with 4 Unidirectional Microphones

Flexible Mounting Option (Clip-on or Stand)
USB 2.0 High Speed Connection
Output Format : H.264, YUV
Max Frame Rate : 22 fps at HD, 30 fps at VGA

  • Skype-Enabled: video call more than 500 million registered people on Skype worldwide for free.
  • Samsung-Compatible: get more out of your Samsung LED 7000 and 8000 series models of high-definition TVs.
  • High Quality Video Video format: H.264, WVGA, YUV.
  • Advanced microphone technology: achieve amazing sound quality with a Skype-optimized four-microphone array that eliminates background noise and echo.

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  1. Very nice post dude. Well, I am using Skype in my office and it really is a superb application. One of the best chat applications..I must say. After reading this post, I must say that skype is getting more and more innovative with its features. Great to see this video technology coming to TV through this outstanding application. waiting to try it soon ๐Ÿ™‚
    My recent post Social Media Privacy – The known threats and the possible solution

  2. Skype on TV really cool ๐Ÿ™‚ now we can enjoy video and voice calls.

  3. butteryfly says

    Wow, that is the coolest! I need to get myself a Samsung LED. Wish it 's cheaper. LOL!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. World of tv is changing, video, radio, websites and now chat!
    skype also announced launch for google tv.
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  5. wow, thats awesome.

    Now if only I could afford a new TV ๐Ÿ˜›

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