For the online marketer or business looking for strong online exposure, Google AdWords delivers a simple, practical and robust platform for gaining paid exposure. Designing a strong AdWords campaign around the keywords that mean the most to your business will improve your positioning and possibly increase revenue. Similar to any pay-per-click (PPC) advertising method, Adwords requires knowledge of current trends.
Pay-per-click and AdWords Trends in Australia
The improvement in mobile technologies and the popularity in additional mobile devices, such as tablets, has placed businesses in an interesting position. Gone are the days when consumers only used their computers to browse the Internet and more people are spending time viewing information on their smartphones and other mobile devices.
Recent statistics show that PPC trends in Australia peaked at 26 percent. In addition, the cost-per-click has risen steadily from $1.11 per click in Q4 2011 to $1.31 per click in Q4 2012.
In addition, Google racked up an audience of more than 14,000,000 in 2013; people rely on the search engine when making purchasing decisions. Consequently, establishing a strong AdWords campaign can increase your visibility.
How Can You Use an AdWords Campaign to Your Advantage?
Google’s PPC model provides a wide range of beneficial tools and resources that help business owners tailor their advertising campaign. For example, in an effort to reduce costs associated with cost-per-impression campaigns, Google allows account holders to exclude specific IP addresses, which means you and your team will not run up your advertising bill.
Despite the important features that reduce inflated advertising bills, Google offers important features for businesses that rely heavily on telephone work. For example, the Click-to-call feature allows Internet users to simply select a telephone number from their mobile device and place a call to your business. The service provides valuable information because you can identify those campaigns that result on the best return on investment and tweak your efforts.
Google’s Trending Now service allows users to view those keywords that currently receive the most traffic. In Australia, AFT, Shaun White and Cricket Scores are raking in searches 20,000 per month. This useful feature allows you to plan your ad campaigns around keywords in which users express a high degree of interest.
Google’s AdWords delivers a simple solution for reaching the highest number of qualified customers. This important tool allows you to customize your message, build your brand and connect with people interested in your products or services.
Of course, there are other types of PPC platforms and types of digital marketing tactics to utilise other than AdWords. For example, SEO is moving more towards content marketing. Try tieing this into your PPC campaign by including company whitepaper and research examples in advertisements. You could even make a white paper be a “destination URL” for one of your display or text ads in AdWords. Giving potential customers and clients information rich material that is helpful and engaging can help you “close the deal” faster and convert that visitor into a paying customer.
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