Photogene 2 for iPhone Improved With Bluetooth Photo Sharing Between iOS Devices

Photogene 2 one of the best photo editing app for iPhone got a huge update. Now you can order direcrly from photogene for real photo prints whihc will be delivered via postal mail. The most added feature is now you can send photos to other iOS device user via Bluetooth with the help of Photogene app

Photogene 2 for iPhone

Photogene 2 for iPhone

Major new features:

Device-to-device: transfer photos directly to another iPad/iPhone (requires Photogene to be installed on the other device).
Clarity slider.
Clone tool.
Create your own presets! Long tap on a photo in the editor to save it as a preset.

Photogene 2 for iPhone

More stuff:

Add date-stamp to your exported photos.
Copy edit operations from one photo and apply the same edits on another photo. Long tap on a photo in the editor to bring up the copy&paste menu.
Can now upload directly to Evernote and Tumblr.
Now it’s possible to preserve the original file names when uploading to Dropbox, FTP or mail (requires iOS 5).

Photogene 2 for iPhone

Get photogene 2 for iPhone from iTunes app store for $.99

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