Path Uploads All Your Contacts To Its Servers [Alert]

Path is a mobile social networking app for iPhone and Android. According to Arun Thampi, Path secretly uploads entire address book that includes full name , phone number and email address to its servers without warning the users. Arun found this when he was trying to port path for Mac OS X.


Here is the response from Dave Morin, CEO of Path

Arun, thanks for pointing this out. We actually think this is an important conversation and take this very seriously. We upload the address book to our servers in order to help the user find and connect to their friends and family on Path quickly and effeciently as well as to notify them when friends and family join Path. Nothing more.

We believe that this type of friend finding & matching is important to the industry and that it is important that users clearly understand it, so we proactively rolled out an opt-in for this on our Android client a few weeks ago and are rolling out the opt-in for this in 2.0.6 of our iOS Client, pending App Store approval.

Dave Morin

Co-Founder and CEO of Path

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