Organise Your Tasks With Platinum Tasks On Your Honeycomb Devices

There are many to do list application in the Android Market, yet only a few built specifically for Android Honeycomb. Platinum Tasks is one of them. Unlike other apps, Platinum Tasks really fits with the tablet. Intuitive design and perfect lay out, changeable theme color.

Platinum Tasks For Android

Platinum Tasks syncs perfectly with Google task. You can set recurring tasks easily, set reminder for each event and get up to date with your daily schedule. There’s also multiple task feature in this app where you can create task along with the deadline. Filtering each event or task is quite easy, you can do it based on time, name and label. Drag and drop feature is also available.

This is a perfect app for someone with busy and tight schedule. Platinum Tasks is your tablet secretary. Platinum Apps has developed not only full functional apps, but also a very beautiful one with the elegant design.

You can grab this App on Android Market while it’s still on its special launching price $5.17

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