Who doesn’t love to play video games! But, in today’s world, people have more interest to play mobile games. The popularity of the gaming apps has led to noticeable rise in sales of Smartphones, Android and IOS devices etc. Some of these gadgets are expensive yet their craze and demand is increasing at a tremendous speed. Seeing this, one can only say that getting your gadgets insured is always a wise idea so as to cover the risk. If you are a mobile phone lover and love to own expensive mobile phones then going for mobile insurance will really be a smart move. The gaming industry is becoming a booming one and the introduction of smartphones and android phones have helped to grow the gaming industry even better and bigger. But there should be awareness about the fact that the bigger the gaming industry grows, more scopes and opportunities opens up for the mobile game developers.
Image Credit : WSJ
Industry Booming Economically
Mobile gaming industry has already started to flourish in the market vastly. It is expected that the revenue of this industry will grow up dramatically in the next couple of years. A market study suggests that the gaming sales on tablets and smartphones is getting doubled every 4-5 years and it is expected the sales to touch a figure of $1.5 billion by 2014-2015. The free to play games that are kept stored inside the apps generate maximum portion of revenue. Though the games are free for customers but originally these games are being purchased virtually inside the game apps.
Popularity of the Games Makes Industry More Popular
The multiplayer games are becoming very popular and naturally highly successful where people can play games along with their friends and makes them more interested towards these games. Some of these games even top the gaming chart globally. Companies like CHILLINGO, Big Fish etc. don’t even spend money on marketing or advertising their products but still these gaming apps are into the top 10 list. They just use their present applications and promote the apps that are newly developed. The more the gaming apps look like real time, more it makes the people interested and even more popular among them.
Quality of the Games
Smartphones, tablets etc. may have any of the three network connections. That may be either 2G or 3G or may be even 4G. Mobile apps are also developed according to the connection and are tested qualitatively. The process involves it to get used anywhere, be it under a tunnel or in the train etc. These things need to get checked very minutely in order to maintain the quality control. HTML5 technology is considered to be the latest one to develop the games but the technology lacks what it takes to develop high end games and the issues relate to performance.
Scopes and Exposures
Now-a-days, gaming developers are appointing certified psychologists and provide tutorials for the game start issues. This is because it is actually observed that it is the first half of the playing session where most gamers remain engaged which increases the probability to be paid gamers for them in future. Free games are more popular monetary wise too because most gamers don’t like to pay for games. So for obvious reasons, the revenue is generated more from this segment. To check the genuineness of the games one must follow the ranking for that particular game and its stability in that position.  Â
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