Since the dawn of computers, tech gurus and online investigators have warned consumers against the threat of malware which can creep into their PC through infected files and suspicious links. Advancement in technology and subsequent increase in malicious software has made the users extra vigilant of any malware lurking in computers that would infect the system even before they have a chance to open the link.
Recently, a case has been reported of malware attack – a brand new laptop, straight from the factory – when opened – triggered by a virus hidden in its hard drive, began searching across the Internet for another computer to damage the system and sabotage their data. The shopper in this case was part of a team of Microsoft researchers in China, investigating the sale of counterfeit software.
Windows At War With Malware
In fight against a lethal malware, called Nitol, Microsoft is seeking help of the law to fight the battle against cybercrime. The giant software company filed a case in a federal court in Virginia documenting findings of the fraud reported in China. The lawsuit was filed against a web domain registered to a Chinese businessman named Peng Yong, claiming the domain to be a major hub for illicit internet activity. The domain was found home to more than 500 types of malware including Nitol. There was a swift denial from the Peng, owner of the internet services firm, stating that his company was not involved in any malicious activity.
The court records and interviews with Microsoft officials reveal vulnerability of internet users, partially because of weaknesses in computer supply chains. In a bid to gain more profits, less reputable computer manufacturers and retailers may involve in nefarious acts of providing fake copies software products. Therefore, there is great need to control such activities, but plugging the holes in a large and less regulated market like China is nearly impossible.
Distance Makes Heart Grow Fonder
In technological terms, distance does not guarantee safety. Like in this case Nitol, an aggressive virus, found in computers across the globe, even as remote as Cayman Islands. This malicious malware appears poised to strike. The malware has been busy spreading its venom at high frequency, explained Microsoft’s digital crimes unit in the documents submitted to the court.
Microsoft has taken a smart step by pursuing cybercriminals. This move will serve the dual purpose – on one hand it will help them to secure company’s brand and repute and on the other, expose threats to the computer software. In order to carry out this plan, Microsoft can make use of its Windows operating system, which is used by most of the computers connected to the Internet.
However, the most damaging aspect is the use of counterfeit products, which are tainted by malware that spreads so rapidly, making it more of a security than intellectual property issue.
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