iTunes 10.3 Features iTunes In Cloud Beta

Apple will soon release  iTunes 10.3.  Which is going to feature iTunes in Cloud beta, but only for US account holders. Also the new features like the download previous purchases, Automatic downloads and shop for book on your mac or PC will be available.

Download Previous Purchases

You can now download the music purchase again at no additional cost. Your Purchases are available in the iTunes store on your PC or in the iTunes app on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Automatic Downloads

Purchased music from any device will be automatically copied on all devices.

Do Read – Automatic Downloads on iOS

Shop for books on your Mac or PC

iTunes 10.3 adds books to the iTunes store, where you can get your book on your computer and it will be automatically downloaded to your iBooks on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Here is the snapshot I managed to get under purchases on iTunes 10.2.2

Captured On iTunes Indian Account

Captured On iTunes US Account

Note : I didn’t find any download links for iTunes 10.3 at the time of preparing this post

Its Confirmed that only US iTunes account users are going to taste the beta first

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  1. ravisrisi says

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