How To Manage Your Android Phone From Your Desktop Over WiFi

WiFi provides better solutions for accessing internet and transferring files without wires. Now a days the mobile phone also comes with Wifi as a major feature to make the communications better. WiFi in mobile phone has the main purpose of accessing the internet or to transfer the important files or settings between the phones or to a computer.

With MyPhoneExplorer you can easily communicate with your android phone over WiFi. All the functions like accessing the Phone book, Messages, Calenders can be done, apart from accessing you can also create backup and restore the important contents over WiFi. You can now easily transfer files between your android phone and your PC.

The Mobile App is just to make your android mobile to communicate with the PC. You have to install MyPhoneExplorer on  both mobile and PC Client to make this work. MyPhoneExplorer works with both USB and also over WiFi connection(I like this a lot).

You can get the get the mobile client by searching in android market or just scan the QR Code using the Barcode Scanner.


You can get the PC Client from

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  1. very helpful post for Android users 🙂

  2. Great post Karthikeyan! This is exactly what many Android users have looking for. I hope to be next :))

  3. A very informative and useful post for Android users :).

  4. Great Article I could not agree more! Keep up the great work on this site. Thanks for sharing Knowledgeble information here.

  5. its really a cool apps to do all things possible…

  6. Super cool apps bro! I have to become an Android users soon. Thanks for sharing :))

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