How Stress Can Affect Your Blog Success?

All of us, when we work at ours blog, have different things to do, getting high quality traffic, join to social media, writing unique and quality blog posts, and the other tasks involved in a blog. All these things have a common goal getting a blog successful.

As any others job involves risks, hazards, and uncertainty, so blogging does get involves its risk. In order to grow ours blog, we have need to work every day to grow ours knowledge, but you need to know that you need to warn you about one thing, a common threat to your blog’s growth and success. It’s called “stress”. In your journey blogging, it is natural that you will experience stress.

Stress Affects Blogging

In general, stress is an early warning indicator of a problem. However, in blogging you need to look at a new type of stress that can help more in your work. Stress will help you to bring your blog at the next level. It’s like if you are in front a high mountain. In the basis is your current situation, but once you reached the top, once you overcome the block to your goal, than the stress will dissolve, and you’ll get to live your dream.

In the blogging there are many factors that contribute to stress. Some examples is when you have too much to do, but also when you simple receive negative comments or because your next post aren’t so popular.

Today, one reason why many new bloggers are stressed is the recession. Many people started blogs attempting to make money online while looking for a job. That can be very discouraging since many will likely not even make a few dollars in the first several months.

Usually, people getting irritate when they are stressed, and this interrupts them while they are working. Some of ways to deal with stress that I recommend are: go for exercise, a walk, breathe deeply etc. These are all tactical ways to deal with stress.

Unfortunately, these tactic do not work when you have no time to do things. In this case, you need to identify what caused the problem and why you are stressed. Once you solved your problem, then you relieve the feeling of stress. Repeat this point for continual upgrade your skills in order to be more successful.

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  1. Wonderful article bro! I agree with you, I often do a walk when I affected by stress. However, I also advices to listening music as watching TV as well.

  2. Stress is very natural at times and while blogging you need to be stress free. I listen to music or try to read a book to release stress. Long walks are also good, i agree with Nicola 🙂

  3. Encouraged bloggers cannot be stressed any more,so my point of view is little bit encouragement through blog comments and social discussion with fellow bloggers will through away our stress day by day…

  4. It’s really true. Take a break and you’ll be fine =)

  5. Sitting whole day in front of laptop writing post for your blog will do no good. It’ll only put you under stress and affect quality of your posts. So one should take breaks in between.

    Nice article. 🙂

  6. I used to deal with stress by listening to music or went out for a walk or by watching TV sometime. Also, I agree with the point made by Vijay here.

  7. Well, Karthik…a very nice post. Stress is getting very common these days. You won’t believe but yes, I kill my stress by blogging. Infact, I started blogging to kill my stress, boredom. Money Making was never my priority and so, I was never stressed for the same. Stress happens mostly when you have certain expectations with the work you are into and you fail to achieve the same. So, its better to limit your expectations and go for those which are achievable. Do not be over-ambitious with your expectations. Also, I must add one thing….have a time table for your usual day to day tasks. Having a time table will let you manage your time more properly and thus kill stress.

  8. This is one of the most interesting posts you’ve written. Actually bloggers at a maturity stage do get symptoms of stress and it is vital for them to get rid of via Yoga, exercise, etc. Usually it is due to an imbalanced life like I have. I think work life of a blogger should be balanced, if it’s not then it might create problems and stess.

  9. Well written bro. Stress not only affects your blog success it also affects your personal success. As for Tactics, you can hear music, watch a movie, go for a ride in a bike or just simply read a poem, everything will help you to get relieved from stress.

  10. Stress may either have a negative or a positive result to every individual. It’s just a matter how they deal with it. Most people get negative result from their everyday stress because they consider stress as a problem rather than a motivation to improve what they have.

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