Google’s Android Market Is Now Home To Over 200,000 Apps

Android became popular in recent days. Android has its own market to to provide Quality and valuable applications to android users. According to android market now holds more than 200k applications. That too, the applications were doubled when compared to the stats before two months. This is greatest achievement for the android market. reports that the Market’s apps have been collectively downloaded over 2.5 billion times.

Accumulated number of Application and Games in the Android Market

Accumulated number of Application and Games in the Android Market

Number of New Applications in Android Market by month

Number of New Applications in Android Market by month

Number of New Applications and Games published daily in the Android Market

Number of New Applications and Games published daily in the Android Market

Distribution of free and paid apps in Android Market

Distribution of free and paid apps in Android Market

Distribution of free and paid apps in Android Market

The above charts shows us the the detailed report on the apps in the android market!

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  1. Nice stat charts! The increasing number of apps for android represents its strong market dominance this year. Surely, it will even be bigger next year 2011.

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