Evolution Of WordPress [InfoGraphic]

WordPress is The Ultimate Blogging Platform with Over 13 Million Users around the globe. WordPress is Easy to use Professional Blogging application powered by PHP and MySQL. All you need is a Hosting to install this Application to make a Killer Blog/Site. You can also easily customize WordPress with the large collections of Themes and Plugins Available in WordPress Directory. Here is an Infographic about WordPress.

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  1. Nice picture……looking more informatics

  2. This picture explain more than hundred thousand words,Thanks mate….

  3. Nice infographics 🙂 .Wordpress is the best blogging platform.

  4. Great information! Thanks for the blog post…

  5. Nice pic bro, I love wordpress. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Nice infographic. Can you tell me which site you used to create it?

  7. Wow that’s great! Actually I’m a joomla programmer.I have a basic knowledge only in wordpress and I didn’t know this before..It has also more plugins to use as joomla..And it is very nice to use in blogging platform..

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