Depositphotos is a new service allowing you to purchase and download a ton of stock photos, vectors and illustrations. The image gallery is vast and divided into 36 categories, making browsing through them really easy.
Stock Illustrations are more than 500,000 in number and come in various sizes and abstract categories. Right from World maps, Interior design and GIF collections to 3D Wallpapers and beyond, you can find a whole lot of illustrations along with a neat search bar helping you to get what you want real quick.
There a lot of Vector graphics and varied art styles as well, giving the user a huge collection base to choose from and all of them, once purchased come with a Royalty-Free license.
One can buy stock images or go for their Free Trial Subscription, which would enable you to 5 free stock images per day for seven days. Images are priced between 0.5$-9$, depending on their sizes.
Payment options are plenty. You can choose to Pay-As-You-Go if you’re comfortable with that or maybe opt for a Subscription plan making the deal really cheap. If you’re a regular user, I’d strongly recommend you opt for one of these Subscription plans. They’re a steal!
Or if you don’t have a credit card, you can pay via SMS as well. You can type out an SMS and send it across, and the image credits get added to your account. Pretty simple, check out the tariffs
If you’re a serious photographer or have lots of high quality images with you, you can register with a Seller’s account on You can upload your images to them and once it passes inspection by the Depositphotos team, it will be out in the gallery. Really useful and easy!
Also, Depositphotos currently has some interesting offers for Bloggers and Photographers. You might want to check them out too.
The website is neatly organized on the whole and signing up shouldn’t take much of your time. The high resolution images are worth a buy if you’re a designer, advertiser, photo blogger or have an eye on photography.
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