Big 2 Bonanza – The Simple Yet Addictive Poker Game on Facebook

I just got a request to review Big 2 Bonanza, a Facebook Poker application that recently released as BETA version. When I first heard about it, I thought that the game would more or less similar with the other Poker type of games that won’t be too much interesting for someone who only plays card games occasionally like me. Well, I must admit that I was wrong!

Big 2 Bonanza is a social card game where you can play online against other players around the world. The game itself was adopted from a popular card game in Asia (Big 2 Poker), a game where the two spades holds the biggest value. People in East and Southeast Asia such as China, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and even some parts of Europe have been playing this card game for a long time go.

Big 2 Poker is simpler than the original Poker. It needs four players sitting together, one standard card deck of 52 cards (without the Joker), each player will get 13 cards that must be discarded one by one or by a combination. This game has been played from generation to generation for a long time, even many people play this game as a part of the family gathering or event.

So, it’s really a good idea for Localoco to bring this Big 2 Poker to Facebook, the biggest social network we have nowadays. The game has got its own market and niche from the beginning!

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Here’s my complete review of Big 2 Bonanza

To begin playing, you just have to enter Facebook Apps and search for Big 2 Bonanza, and then enter to play the game right away. You will be given free 4000 chips and more 1000 if you follow the tutorial. It is advised that you follow the tutorial so that you will understand the game even more.

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The basic rules are:

1. Suit Order

The suit order from the lowest to the highest value is Diamond, Club, Hear, and Spade. That easily makes the three of Diamonds become the lowest of value and the two of Spades the highest.

2. Locos and Chips

Locos and chips are the game currency. Chips are like your money that you used to put on a bet and pay for the table each time you play (this is called the ante charge). While locos are another currency that you can use to unlock features, tables or spinning the wheel to get more chips.

3. Game Play

It’s so simple. At the first time sitting on a table, you will be given 13 cards that you must discard one by one or by using card combination. It will be better if you can discard your cards by using the combination for sure as it means you can get rid out of your cards faster. There are various terms for combined cards, Pair, Three, Straight, Flush, Full House, Bomb, and Straight Flush. Those terms begin from the lowest to the highest value. Not familiar to these? Don’t worry. I saw that Big 2 Bonanza provides something like a guide board in the right side of the screen where you can see if you’ve got a strong card combination on hand.

4. Splendor Spin

Spinning the wheel and get free chips. This feature is accessible for FREE in every four hours. Don’t want to wait? Well, you can just use your Locos to spin. It costs 3 Locos to get one spin.

5. Big 2 Tables

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If you are already in advanced levels, you will be able to choose which table you’d like to play while for new players, we need to unlock this table one by one (or if you can’t wait, you can use Locos to unlock the upcoming table). When entering table, we can also set our preferred speed and card value. Be sure not to select the fastest or highest ones if you are still newbie as you might end up losing the game and got kicked from the table because you’re running out of the chips.

6. Combination

This feature is very useful especially for beginners. Just hit the flashing button, that’s it.

7. Game Boosts

Game boosts here are just like extra features that can help you win the game easier. There are currently three types of boosts available:

  • Card Explosion – Card Explosion is used to omit one card value in hand to lessen your remaining cards.
  • Show 2 Spades – Used for peeking the opponents who likely have two of Spades
  • Double XP – If you win a game, you’ll get Double XP that helps you level up. This feature costs of 3 Locos.

In total, I think Big 2 Bonanza is worth to play, it’s simple yet addictive where you can spend hours and hours playing. Just some notes to the developer. Sometimes the game took a bit long time to load and we must wait for other players to join the table. The ante charge bothered me a bit as I won but the number of chips I earned was lesser than the ante charge itself. Probably if there’s a guide or information where we can see how much we lost/win or what will be our remaining cards value and how much we will be charged, it will be better.

Do you want to try this game?

Just go to Big 2 Bonanza and play!

Let me know what you think of this game.

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