Apple Files Yet Another Lawsuit Against Samsung

Surprise, surprise. Apple has filed suit against Samsung once again in a German court in Dusseldorf. The patent infringement suit names the Galaxy S II, Galaxy S Plus and eight other Samsung smartphones. Apple has also started another suit against Samsung’s tablets, naming five Samsung tablets in relation to the ruling that banned the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.


The suits are in response to setbacks Apple has faced after its initial success in Germany, where it halted the sales of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet. The Galaxy Tab 10.1N tablet, which Samsung produced to skirt the ban, wasn’t allowed to be blocked as well.

Both Apple and Samsung have had limited success in blocking each other’s products, with suits filed on both sides in several European countries as well as Australia mostly ending in failure.

We’ll be sure to keep you posted once the German court makes its ruling, or more information becomes available, including which models are included in the suit.

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  1. Thanks for the update. I’d heard about this but couldn’t re-locate the article.

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